.:: Cong Giao Viet Nam ::.

Trang Chủ Hòa Bình là kết quả của Công Lý và Tình Liên Đới (Is 32,17; Gc 3,18; Srs 39) - Peace As The Fruit Of Justice and Solidarity Quà tặng Tin Mừng
  Tủ Sách - Chủ Đề
  Suy Tư - Chiêm Niệm
  Văn Hóa - Xã Hội
  Y Tế - Giáo Dục
Mục Lục

Lời Tựa

Dẫn Nhập

Lược Tóm

PHẦN I - Chương I: Xã Hội Việt Nam

Chương II: Giáo Hội Việt Nam với các Chủng Viện và Hàng Giáo Sĩ

Chương III: Việc đào tạo thiêng liêng hiện nay ở các chủng viện Việt Nam

PHẦN II - Chương IV: Giáo Huấn của Hội Thánh Hoàn Vũ về việc đào tạo Thiêng Liêng

Chương V: Giáo huấn của Hội Thánh Địa Phương về việc đào tạo Thiêng Liêng

Chương VI: Áp dụng giáo huấn của Hội Thánh vào việc đào tạo Thiêng Liêng cho các Chủng Sinh

PHẦN III - Chương VII: Bối cảnh hoá đào tạo Thiêng Liêng cho các Linh Mục Việt Nam tương lai

Chương VIII: Giai đoạn tiền chủng viện thăng tiến, thẩm tra và đón nhận

Chương IX: Giai đoạn chủng viện đào tạo và tự đào tạo thiêng liêng

Chương X: Giai đoạn hậu chủng viện

Kết Luận

Sách tham khảo

Phụ trương A

Phụ trương B

Phụ trương C

Nối kết
Văn Hóa - Văn Học
Tâm Linh - Tôn Giáo
Truyền Thông - Công Giáo
Đào Tạo và Tự Đào Tạo Thiêng Liêng của các Linh Mục trong bối cảnh Việt Nam ngày nay
Tác giả: Lm. Trần Minh Huy, pss

A. Các Văn Kiện Của Giáo Hội

1. Văn Kiện Của Công Đồng Vaticanô II

Vatican II. Ad Gentes: Decree on the Church’s Missionary Activity (December 7, 1965).

______. Dei Verbum: Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (November 18, 1965).

______. Dignitatis Humanae: Declaration on Religious Freedom (December 7, 1965).

______. Gaudium et Spes: Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World (December 7, 1965).

______. Lumen Gentium: Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (November 21, 1964).

______. Nostra Aetate: Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions (October 28, 1965).

______. Optatam Totius: Decree on Priestly Training (October 28, 1965).

______. Presbyterorum Ordinis: Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests (December 7, 1965).

2. Văn Kiện Của Đức Giáo Hoàng

John Paul II. Behold Your Mother: Mary in the Life of the Priest (March 25, 1988).

______. Ecclesia de Eucharistia: Holy Thursday April 17, 2003.

______. Ecclesia in Asia: Apostolic Exhortation on Jesus Christ the Savior and His Mission of Love and Service in Asia (6 November, 1999).

______. Mulieris Dignitatem on the Dignity and Vocation of Women (August 15, 1988).

______. Novo Incipiente Nostro: Letter to Priests (April 6, 1979). 

______. Opening Address at the Puebla Conference (January 28, 1979).

______. Pastores Dabo Vobis: I Will Give You Shepherds, Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation on the Formation of Priests (March 25, 1992).

______. Redemptoris Missio: Mission of the Redeemer (December 7, 1990).

Paul VI. Closing Speeches Vatican Council II (December 8, 1965).

______. Evangelii Nuntiandi: On Evangelization in the Modern World (December 8, 1975).

______. Evangelica Testification: Apostolic Exhortation on the Renewal of Religious Life (June 29, 1971).

______. Marialis Cultus: Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary (February 2, 1974).

______. Sacerdotalis Caelibatus: Encyclical Letter on Priestly Celibacy (June 24, 1967).

______. Summi Dei Verbum: Address on Seminaries and Vocations (November 4, 1963).

Pius XI. Divini Redemptoris: on Atheistic Communism (March 19, 1937).

3. Các Văn Kiện Khác

     a. Văn Kiện Của Bộ Giáo Dục Công Giáo

Congregation for Catholic Education (CCE). A Guide to Formation in Priestly Celibacy (April 11, 1974). Rome, 1974.

______. Circular Letter Concerning Some of the More Urgent Aspects of Spiritual Formation in Seminaries (January 6, 1980). Rome, 1980.

______. Directives Concerning the Preparation of Seminary Educators (November 4, 1993) Rome, 1993.

______. Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis: Basic Scheme for Priestly Training (January 6, 1970).

______. The Virgin Mary in Intellectual and Spiritual Formation (March 25, 1988).

    b. Văn Kiện Của Bộ Giáo Sĩ

Congregation for Clergy. Directory on the Ministry and Life of Priests (January 31, 1994).

_______. The Priest and the Third Christian Millennium: Teacher of the Word, Minister of the Sacraments, and Leader of the Community (March 19, 1999).

    c. Văn Kiện Của Bộ Giáo Lý Đức Tin 

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Collaboration of Men and Women in the Church and in the World (Rome, May 31, 2004).

    d. Văn Kiện Của Thương Hội Đồng Giám Mục 1971

Synod of Bishops 1971. The Ministerial Priesthood (November, 1971).

    e. Văn Kiện Của Liên Hội Đồng Giám Mục Á Châu

Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conference (FABC). For All the Peoples of Asia Volume I. Quezon City: The Claretian Publications, 1992.

______. For All the Peoples of Asia Volume II. Quezon City:  The Claretian Publications, 1997.

______. For All the Peoples of Asia Volume III. Quezon City: The Claretian Publications, 2002.

    f. Văn Kiện Của Hội Đồng Giám Mục Hoa Kỳ

NCCB. The Program of Priestly Formation. 3rd ed. Washington DC: United States Catholic Conference, 1982. 

______. Norms for Priestly Formation Volume I and II (November 1993). Washington DC: United States Catholic Conference, Inc., 1994.

______. The Continuing Formation of Priests: Growing in Wisdom, Age and Grace (November 1984). Washington DC: United States Catholic Conference, Inc., 1985.

    g. Văn Kiện Của Hội Đồng Giám Mục Phi Luật Tân

Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP). Celebrating the Eucharist with Mary: A GuideBook. Metro Manila, Philippines: Assisi Development Foundation, Inc., 2005.

______. The Philippine Program of Priestly Formation. Manila: The Philippine Program Committee Commission on Seminaries CBCP, 1972.

      h. Văn Kiện Của Hội Đồng Giám Mục Việt Nam 

Cochinchine’s Bishops, Pastoral Letter 1951

The Vietnamese Bishops, Pastoral Letters 1952 and 1953

Southern Vietnamese Bishops’ Conference (SVBC), Pastoral Letter 1960

______. Circular Letter 1964

______. Announcements 1964 and 1971

______. General Announcement 1975

______. Pastoral Letter 1976

The Vietnamese Bishops’ Conference (VBC), Pastoral Letter 1980

______. Pastoral Letters 1989, 1991, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004

The Episcopal Conference of Vietnam. Communion and Solidarity. Washington D.C: General Secretariat (November 2003).

4. Văn Kiện Của Hội Các Linh Mục Xuân Bích

Bình T?nh, Nguy?n. V?n ?? Th? Cng T? Tin (Ancestor Worship Problems). Da Nang: Unpublished, 2004.

Coleman, Gerald D. Common Values and Expectations: A Guide for Seminarians at St. Patrick’s Seminary. Menlo Park, California: St. Patrick’s Seminary, 2002.

Compagnie des Prtres de Saint-Sulpice. La Formation des Futurs Prtres  la Prire. Paris: Compagnie des Prtres de Saint-Sulpice, 2003.

______. Former des Prtres Aujourd’hui. Paris: Compagnie des Prtres de Saint-Sulpice, 1992.

______. Constitutions de la Compagnie des Prtres de Saint-Sulpice. Paris: Compagnie des Prtres de Saint-Sulpice, 2003.

Đại Chủng Viện Huế. Linh M?c Thin Nin K? M?i: Tài liệu Hội nghị cho các Giám đốc và linh hướng của các chủng viện Á Châu tại Seoul, Korea, 24-31. 10. 1999. ĐCV Huế  2000.

Hội Xuân Bích. ?o T?o Linh M?c: Ngu?n Canh Tn Gio H?i. Đại Chủng Viện Huế 1995.

St. Patrick’s Seminary. The Mentoring and Advising of Seminarians. Menlo Park, California: St. Patrick’s Seminary, 2001.

_______. Program of Spiritual Formation. Menlo Park, California: St. Patrick’s Seminary, 1996.

B. Các Sách

Abalajon, Noel Vincent B. and Arada, Jr. Carmelo P., eds. Gathered Around Jesus: Proceedings of the Consultation Congress on Seminary Formation and the Diamond Jubilee Alumni Homecoming. Manila, Philippines: University of Santo Tomas Central Seminary, 2004.

Abbott, William. For Faith and Service: Towards the Integral Formation of Filipino Priests and Religious. Philippines: 1983.

Attwater, Donald. A Catholic Dictionary. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1958.

Calpotura, Venancio S. Discernment of Motives: The Foundation of Seminary Formation. Metro Manila, Philippines: Emmaus Center Foundation, Inc., 1996.

Carter, Edward. Spirituality for Modern Man. Notre Dame, Indiana: Fides Publisher, 1971.

Castigador, Honorato C. “We’ve Only Just Begun.” in Abalajon, Noel Vincent B. and Arada, Jr. Carmelo P., eds. Gathered Around Jesus. Manila Philippines: University of Santo Tomas Central Seminary, 2004.

Charlotte Diocese. Norms for Seminarians: Program for Priestly Formation. North Carolina, USA: Charlotte Diocese, 2004.

Cozzens, Donald B. The Changing Face of the Priesthood: A Reflection on the Priest’s Crisis of Soul. Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 2000.

Cơn S?n, Ph?m. Gia L? X?a v Nay (Family’s Old and New Ritual). Dong Thap: ??ng Thp Publication, 1996.

Culligan, Kevin G. Spiritual Direction: Contemporary Readings. New York: Living Flame Press, 1983.

Douglas, Julie M. Handbook for Spiritual Directors. Bandra Mumbai:  St Paul Publications, 2002.

Flannery, Austin, OP, gen. ed. Vatican Collection Volume 2: Vatican Council II More Post Conciliar Documents. Bandra, Bombay: St Paul Publications, 1990.

_______. Vatican Council II: The Conciliar and Post Conciliar Documents. Bandra, Bombay: St Paul Publications, 1992.

Goergen, Donald J., ed. Being A Priest Today. Minnesota, USA: The Liturgical Press, 1992.

John Baptist Pham Minh Man. “Ch?c N?ng M?c T? c?a Linh M?c v S? M?nh c?a Ph? N? trong H? ??o” trong ”Tm Lý N? Gi?i v  Ch?c N?ng M?c T? c?a Linh M?c” . Ho Chi Minh City, 2003.

Kuo-Shi, Paul Shan. “Synod of Bishops-Special Assembly for Asia: Orientations on Priestly Formation” trong Linh Muc Thien Nien Ky Moi. Dai Chung Vien Hue 2000.

Lambino, Antonio B. “The Faith Dimension in Socio-Political Involvement.” in For Faith and Service: Towards the Integral Formation of Filipino Priests and Religious. Philippines: 1983.

Leon-Dufour, Xavier. Dictionary of Biblical Theology. USA: Geoffrey Chapman, 1988.

Quevedo, Orlando B. “Pastoral Priorities of the Church in the Philippines and their Implications to Seminary Formation.” in Abalajon, Noel Vincent B. and Arada, Jr. Carmelo P., eds. Gathered Around Jesus. Manila, Philippines: University of Santo Tomas Central Seminary, 2004.

Tanseco, Ruben M. “Affectivity, Sexuality and Intimacy in Religious and Priestly Formation.” in For Faith and Service: Towards the Integral Formation of Filipino Priests and Religious. Philippines: 1983.

Torpigliani, Bruno. Forming our Future Priests. Manila, Philippine: Porfirio D. Latorre Memorial Foundation, 1988.

Wakefield, Gordon S. The Wesminster Dictionary of Christian Spirituality. Quezon City, Philippines: Claretian Publications, 1988. 

Wostyn, Lode L. Believing Unto Discipleship: Jesus of Nazareth. Quezon City: The Claretian Publications, 2004.

Yang-ho, Clement Yoon.  Revitalizing Spiritual Formation and Prayer Life in Korean Seminaries. Philippines: ICLA Publications, 2003.

C. Các Bài Báo

Lagaya, Ren T. “Sharing Our Spirituality and Charisms with the Laity.” Religious Life Asia 2 (January-March, 2000): 56-68.

Pitaud, Bernard. “L’Ecole Française et la Protection du Sujet: For Interne et For Externe dans les Seminaries.” Le Supplment (Septembre 2002), no. 222.

Vasquez, Amelia. “Fidelity in Vowed Life: Religious Life.” Religious Life Asia 5 (January-March 2003) : 48-55.

Vicente Cajilig. “Continuing Formation for Priesthood in Asia.” Rogate Ergo Asia: the Catholic Magazine on Vocations 5 (July-September 2004): p. 9-25.

D. Những Nguồn Tài Liệu Khác

Bacani, Percy. “Handout on Missionary Spirituality” 2nd Semester 2003-2004, ICLA, Quezon City.

Cajes, Prisco. “Handout on Mission Spirituality and Environment” 1st Semester 2004-2005, ICLA, Quezon City.

Cenacle Team. “Handout on Group Spiritual Accompaniment” 1st Semester 2004-2005, ICLA, Quezon City.

Fonts, Marcelino. “Handout on Prayer in Asian Context” 2nd Semester 2003-2004, ICLA, Quezon City.

Gallares, Judette A. “Handout on Biblical Foundation of Consecrated Life” 1st Semester 2004-2005, ICLA, Quezon City.

______. “Handout on Perspectives for Spiritual Direction and Discernment” Summer Seminar 2003-2004, ICLA, Quezon City.

______. “Handout on Biblical Spirituality” 1st Semester 2005-2006, ICLA, Quezon City.

Java, Malen. “Handout on Retreat Direction Seminar” 2nd Semester 2003-2004, ICLA, Quezon City.

Krakowczyk, Piotr. “Handout on Christology” 1st Semester 2004-2005, ICLA, Quezon City.

Maranan, Marites. “Handout on Theology of Communion and the Religious Community” 2nd Semester 2004-2005, ICLA, Quezon City.

Marquez, Jose Ma. Ruiz. “Handout on History of Consecrated Life” 1st Semester 2004-2005, ICLA, Quezon City.

Moraleda, Domingo. “Handout on Fundamental Ecclesiology: A Historical and Theological Reflection” 2nd Semester 2003-2004, ICLA, Quezon City.

______. “Handout on An Introduction to Missiology of Consecrated Life” 1st Semester 2004-2005, ICLA, Quezon City.

______. “Handout on Theology of the Forms of Christian Life in the Church” 1st semester 2005-2006, ICLA, Quezon City.

______. “Handout on Religious Vows as Evangelical Charisms and Responsibility ‘Covenant Perspective’” 1st Semester 2005-2006, ICLA, Quezon City.

Mu-Hua, Jiao. “Handout Liturgical Spirituality” 2nd Semester 2004-2005, ICLA, Quezon City.

Paredes, Jose Cristo Rey. “Handout on Mariology Mary in Mission and Spirituality” 2nd Semester 2003-2004, ICLA, Quezon City.

  ______. “Handout on Holy Spirit in the Life and Mission of the Church and Consecrated Life” 2nd Semester 2004-2005, ICLA, Quezon City.

E. Các Nguồn Tài Liệu Điện Tử

Osservatore Romano



Trung Tam Muc Vu Luan Don












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Tác giả Lm. Trần Minh Huy, pss

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